So, my friends, this week was fairly normal until the last few days.
I have been getting much more success on my other side business (health and wellness/weight loss products)! I have become commission qualified all in the past week! I've just made my fourth sale!
Other than that, I was invited to Elton John's concert in Charlotte tonight with my parents and some of their friends. It sounded awesome, I've never been to a concert. And I thought, "Wow, my first concert will be one of Elton John's very last concerts." But no, I chickened out.
Years back I wanted to go to another concert by one of my favorite country singers, but at the last minute I did the same thing. I suppose I have an irrational fear of concerts.
Oh well, I can think of a dozen more things to do that are more productive...such as draw, manage my website, and build my clientele on Facebook!
In other news, friends, I'm afraid my website is in need of yet another upgrade. I have some digital art pieces that can be added to the prints list, as well as pricing adjustments.
The list of tasks never ends!
P.S. I have been told I "don't get enough socialization" and "never go out" (which is true but I'm fine that way), so if anyone around Charlotte is down to go get drinks sometime, let me know! I need more friends!